USF values the rich racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of our work force and our community.

Our Commitment to Diversity

USF values the rich racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of our work force and our community. USF recognizes that in a culture of respect, individuals are aware and understand the impact of their behavior and decisions on others, and that they have an awareness, understanding, and acceptance of others’ interests, viewpoints, culture, and background. The promotion of equitable practices on each of our contracts is critical to fostering a work environment where excellence and continuous improvement are achieved.

We believe that diversity and inclusion are a source of competitiveness for the company. By having employees from a range of backgrounds work together while respecting one another’s different values, new concepts and ways of thinking are born and even greater value and creative solutions are produced, leading to even better business results. To meet the diverse needs of customers across the country and to provide the innovative services that come about when each employee is highly motivated, we have made diversity and inclusion part of our corporate strategy and is promoting them in all workplaces.

USF provides opportunities for Diverse Suppliers via our Supply Chain Management Program and our Supplier Diversity initiatives. We are active members of the National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) and one of our Executives serves on the Board of Directors for the Eastern Minority Supplier Diversity Council (EMSDC), a regional Council of the NMSDC. We are also very active on 12 NMSDC Regional Councils across the US. We actively recruit Diverse Companies to participate in our procurement opportunities as we acquire new accounts across the U.S. 

USF is a proud National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) Corporate Plus member. Corporate Plus® is an unprecedented membership program for NMSDC-certified minority businesses of the highest caliber who have demonstrated their capacity to execute national contracts for major corporations.

Thank you to the National Minority Supplier Development Council for their guidance every step of the way. We are also extremely grateful to our corporate sponsor for their faith in our potential and nomination.


2024 MSDC Supplier of the Year Awards

USF has recently been honored with the 2024 EMSDC Class IV Supplier of the Year Award, a significant recognition by the Eastern Minority Supplier Development Council (EMSDC). This prestigious award highlights the outstanding performance and contributions of minority business enterprises (MBEs) to their industries and communities.